Mine Safety Resources
The NDSC puts the resources you need at your fingertips. Follow the links below to request or purchase key resources for your mine safety toolbox.
Part 46 Sampler Pack Request
This sampler was developed by MSHA and contains many resources including the Part 46 Rules; How to Develop a Training Plan; and Sample Training Records.
MSHA Books
Stay up to date on the latest standards and regulations with these resources from our Safety Products Store:
MSHA Fatalgrams
Fatal alert bulletins and fatalgrams are part of the Mine Safety and Health Administration’s program to alert the mining industry in a timely manner of a tragic loss of life in the mines. We encourage you to consider the information as you make important safety decisions for your company.
MSHA Forms & Online Filing
Access some of the most frequently requested MSHA forms such as complaint & request forms, production reports, certificates and more.
Respirable Coal Dust: Health Surveillance for Coal Miners
In accordance with MSHA’s final rule on respirable coal mine dust exposure, NIOSH expanded its health surveillance program for coal miners to include periodic lung function testing (called spirometry), respiratory health assessment questionnaires, and extended health surveillance to workers at surface coal mines.
Sanford clarification letter
Review this letter from Sanford OccMed for clarification of requirements and services available in ND.