Violence Preparedness & Personal Safety

Have you ever thought about what you would do if someone attacked you, tried to grab you, or approached you with a weapon? When you start to think about the what if situations – where an attack could happen and by whom – it makes great sense to be prepared. The NDSC’s courses on violence preparedness and personal safety will give you the skills and confidence you need to make a plan, act appropriately, and potentially save yourself or a loved one from harm.

Looking for self defense training? Our hands-on Personal Violence Prevention course is just what you need! Call today to learn more about our violence prevention and personal safety training courses. Together we can increase your confidence and prepare you for the unthinkable.


"This was the best class I ever had! The instructor kept the class engaging the whole time and it was actually fun." - NDSC Student


"The instructor had real world experience and put things into perspective from his own experiences in the field." - NDSC Student

Kathy Zander
Community Safety Manager

dl: (701) 751-6105
ph: (701) 223-6372
tf: (800) 932-8890

Is your school safe?

Leave nothing to chance when it comes to staying safe at school. We have a full lineup of programs to ensure that you are.

“Every day, when I drop my kids off at school, I need to believe they are in a safe environment and they’ll be there waiting after school. I can’t imagine the nightmare parents and kids have gone through in school shootings. And that’s what drives me.”

– Kathy Zander