Contractor Safety & Eastern ND Development Manager


What do you do at NDSC?
I am the Contractor Safety Manager and oversee all responsibilities for the ECCS (Energy Coalition for Contractor Safety) members. I assist companies who wish to work for the ECCS plants to become approved ECCS contractors and make sure all contractors have a qualified ECCS Safety Manual and all of their employees have passed training to be allowed on any of the ECCS properties. In addition, I am also the Eastern North Dakota Development Manager. My position is dedicated to developing relationships with current members and assisting with any questions and concerns they may have, from membership billing to training. I attend and support local safety groups, assist with events in eastern ND, hand deliver welcome packets to new members and help promote our annual safety conference.

Why is NDSC’s mission to prevent injuries and save lives important to you?
I feel that our mission is important for a few reasons. One – it keeps us all focused and working as a team. But most importantly, we have all had a loss in our lives and if we can help to save just one life through our training, we can lay our head down at the end of the day and say it was a good day.

If you could travel anywhere, where would it be and why?
Sicily, Italy. I have always wanted to go there! I am Italian and Sicily is where my grandfather was born.

What is your biggest strength and your biggest weakness?
My strengths include organization, staying on task and my work ethic. Weakness – not taking a break!

What are your hobbies?
Being a mom and caretaker of my family.

What store would you pick to max out your credit card?
Any shoe store that sells high heels!

What’s on your bucket list?
Driving cross country in an RV. Going to Hawaii.

Favorite singer/band/song?
‘Grey Street’ by Dave Mathews Band, ‘I’m Alive’ by Dave Matthews and Kenny Chesney, ‘Roar’ by Katy Perry