Alive at 25 Defensive Driving Course

A principal once said to me, “If I had a student die in a crash tomorrow, I want to be able to look the school board and parents in the eye when they ask me, ‘What could we have done to prevent this?’ and be able to answer ‘We did everything we could.’”

Math, History, and English are all subjects that offer students the knowledge to succeed in life. But who teaches them Peer Pressure 101 or Consequences & Tragedies? What class prepares them to move on with life after they kill one of their best friends because they were drinking and driving? Or playing chicken with the train?

The NDSC’s Alive at 25 Defensive Driving Course can help prepare your students for the responsibility that accompanies the privilege of driving. 

What is Alive at 25 and how do I get it to my students?

Alive at 25 is a highly interactive 4.5-hour defensive driving program targeted toward drivers under the age of 25. Whereas driver education teaches the mechanics of car and road handling and state law, Alive at 25 focuses on behavior, judgment, decision making and consequences, and provides tools for making positive choices.

We have worked with schools across the state to provide this life-saving training to their students at free or reduced rates. Contact us today to learn more about grant opportunities and successful fundraising stories from other communities like yours.


“Instructor did a great job.  Great personal stories and good to get the perspective from a firefighter.” – NDSC Defensive Driving Student


“Instructor made it fun, and was easy to understand and listen to.” – NDSC Defensive Driving Student


“Our instructor was great. He was on top of the materials and he also applied them to real life experiences.  He brought so much to the table with his real life experiences. I thoroughly enjoyed his manner of presentation. ” – NDSC Defensive Driving Student

Explore the Possibility of Offering Alive at 25 to Your Students

Schedule a call with our Traffic Safety Program Manager to learn more.

Terry Weaver
Driver Safety Manager

dl: (701) 751-6106
ph: (701) 223-6372
tf: (800) 932-8890

Need to meet your DPI training requirements?

NDSC offers school bus driver training!

“I lost my only brother in a fatal car crash. It changed the dynamic of my family forever and made me an only child. If I could have my way, not another family would have to experience that type of loss.”

– Terry Weaver