News from NDSC!

Expertise to ensure your school is ready for any safety scenario

Due to their devastating impact, school shootings are what first come to mind when school safety is discussed. While the school safety plans the NDSC develops with school districts address worst-case scenarios, they also are vital in managing the ongoing, inevitable daily incidences schools face.

Can you plan for an emergency?

While students will be in the classroom this fall how do we ensure schools are safe -- physically, hygienically and emotionally? Building design and adequate staffing are part of the equation but planning and training are the key to safety.

Crash Fatalities Are On The Rise

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There have been 27 motor vehicle fatalities in North Dakota since May 8, bringing the 2021 total to 56 as of July 12. That’s 12 more fatalities than the same time period in 2020, and two more than the same period in 2019.