What do you do at NDSC?
I am the Human Resource and Accounting Coordinator.
Why is NDSC’s mission to prevent injuries and save lives important to you?
Being a part of a team that together has a cause for the greater good should be important to anyone!
What are your hobbies?
I love to bake and travel! I also enjoy any time spent with family and friends.
Name one really interesting thing about yourself.
I’m a very proud Grandma!!!
What other talents do you have?
I can whistle with all of my fingers.
If you could travel anywhere, where would it be and why?
Anywhere tropical fills my cup for sure!
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
For people to show one another more grace and kindness.
Biggest pet peeve?
People chewing with their mouths open.
What animal most closely matches your personality?
My husband would say T-Rex but I would say a cuddly lap dog!
What is your biggest strength and your biggest weakness?
Biggest strength is I will always find a way, and biggest weakness….I will always find a way.
What store would you pick to max out your credit card?
Locally it would be Scheels or Costco.
What is your biggest fear in life?
Not sure it would be considered my biggest fear, but I will definitely run from a spider!
What’s on your bucket list?
There’s so many! Most important ones are to continue to travel and see all of God’s beauty! Greece, Germany and Alaska to name a few.