MSHA New Miner – Part 46 – Surface Nonmetal

The NDSC’s Part 46 training is offered only as a private course because attendees must provide their company training plan to the NDSC. This allows for customized subjects for each company’s comprehensive Part 46 course.

Requirements Needed Before You Attend This Course

Attendees need to have their company provide their training plan to NDSC; the attendee will not receive proof of course completion until this training plan has been provided to the NDSC. Please submit your MSHA approved company training plan with NDSC listed as a competent person to upon registration. Training will only be scheduled after a training plan has been received by NDSC. 

This course is required for all new Surface Nonmetal (Aggregate), Metal Miners as well as those working Construction on a Mine Site. Federal law requires all miners receive basic and annual refresher training; all mine operators maintain an effective training plan; and that each new miner must complete no less than 24 hours of training.

Get more with NDSC New Miner training! Upon successful completion, students will receive a National Safety Council 2-year Adult CPR/AED certificate and 2-year First Aid certificate.

* Maximum students 30

Course Length

3 days

Private Course 
Call 701-223-6372 to request pricing and schedule training.

Request private training