female server looking skeptically at a customer while holding an ID

Responsible Beverage Server training protects establishments and employees from liability concerns, and protects customers from the dangers of irresponsible alcohol consumption. North Dakota law provides additional protections for companies that implement alcohol server training.

Upskill Your Service

Learn how to avoid selling alcohol to intoxicated customers and minors, and avoid conflict when dealing with overserved patrons. Certification is valid for three years.

What You’ll Learn

This training will teach you how to:

  • Identify when someone has had too much to drink
  • Avoid conflict when dealing with an overserved customer
  • Create a safe and enjoyable space for everyone

50% of servers

As many as 50% served alcohol to underage customers during law enforcement compliance checks

1 in 7 adults

Arrested in ND in 2022 were for driving under the influence

7 cities

In North Dakota require responsible beverage server training


Completion of RBS training will give trainees the tools to identify potential underage customers, false IDs and common signs of overconsumption. RBS certified managers, servers and sellers will: understand the effects and consequences of alcohol use and abuse; recognize the importance of implementing and upholding local laws and business policies that prevent underage and binge drinking; be prepared to handle situations where these laws and policies are challenged, and; promote the overall health and safety of their patrons by providing responsible customer service.

Being a part of a business – employee, server or owner – grants you the responsibility to be educated in preventing alcohol abuse and underage drinking. It protects both the establishment and employees from liability concerns, and the customers from the dangers of irresponsible alcohol consumption.

Every server, owner, manager of an establishment who serves or sells alcohol can benefit from this training.

A single online training module takes 60-90 minutes to complete.

Currently, it is not a legal requirement at the state level. However, many communities have ordinances that require server training for liquor establishments to obtain and secure a liquor license.

In 2015, Governor Dalrymple signed House Bill 1416 into law, reducing the liability of retail alcohol licensees when their employees complete an alcohol server training such as the NDSC’s RBS program. Click here to learn more.

Training is available online and in person. Learn about your options here, and contact the NDSC to learn more about training in your area or to set up a training session.

Kathy Zander
Community Safety Manager

ph: (701) 223-6372
tf: (800) 932-8890
dl: (701) 751-6105


Did you know?

NDSC offers Reasonable Suspicion training