Help a Heart Through Giving Hearts Day!
The North Dakota Safety Council is part of the largest one-day giving event in North Dakota each year. February 10 marks Giving Hearts Day.
Nearly 550 charities participate in Giving Hearts Day in North Dakota and western Minnesota. There are so many ways to help and give back. Giving Hearts Day was founded in 2008 and helps give a platform to charities to fund their missions through an ever-increasing community of donors. Giving Hearts Day has helped charities and nonprofits raise more than $112 million since it was founded and is the longest-running giving day in the country. As part of a continual improvement program at Fargo, North Dakota-based Dakota Medical Foundation (DMF), Giving Hearts Day started as a simple but unique fundraising concept: Around Valentine’s Day, ask people to show affection to not only people they love but charities, too.
Help a Heart through Giving Hearts Day! This year your donations will help purchase feedback manikins for statewide NDSC CPR classes. Feedback manikins allow our students to get a real-life feel for chest compressions while giving instant visual feedback to both instructors and students. These manikins make our CPR classes more interactive and effective. The North Dakota Safety Council teaches nearly 2,000 students CPR each year, so your donation can make a HUGE impact.
In the theme of Giving Hearts Day, we’re also giving back! Register to win a FREE CPR class for 15 people anywhere in North Dakota. Follow this link to register.
So how can you help? You can pre-pledge NOW! All you have to do is head to the Giving Hearts Day website and pre-donate. Scheduling your pre-pledge is open until Feb. 8. All credit and debit cards will be charged Thursday, February 10th. 100% of proceeds go directly to us. You can also donate ON Giving Hearts Day, Feb. 10.
Giving Hearts Day is not just one day, though. It’s a year-round effort. Here are some great ideas on how you can get involved in an even bigger way.
- Week of gratitude – In the days leading up to Giving Hearts Day, have each member of your family write something they’re grateful for. Then, on the day itself, give to charities that are working to provide those same things for others. Download this free activity to help you get started!
- Spend, save, give jars – This one is for the kids. Have your little ones set aside some money each day/week/month in their piggy bank – some to spend, some to save, and some to give. Then, have them use the “give” funds to donate to their favorite charity on Giving Hearts Day.
- Snowbank signs – Pick up some Giving Hearts day snowbank signs at Dakota Medical Foundation (and while you’re at it, turn your snowbanks red!)
- Bingo – Download our free Giving Hearts Day bingo card by clicking here, and host a fun family game night
- Giving Gathering – Host a Giving Gathering, and tell friends and family about your favorite charity