Pediatric First Aid

Imagine if a child in your care stopped breathing. Would you know what to do?

Two of the most common causes of death in children – choking and drowning – are preventable with CPR/AED/First Aid training. Get trained. Save their life.

The NDSC offers pediatric-focused CPR/AED/First Aid courses for childcare providers, early childhood educators and students, parents, youth organizations or anyone interested in learning how to save a child’s life. Students will learn how to recognize and respond to breathing and first aid emergencies in infants and children ages 12 and younger. A special emphasis will be placed on injury prevention.

Laurie Eckroth
Emergency Care Manager

dl: (701) 751-6118
ph: (701) 223-6372
tf: (800) 932-8890

Adult First Aid

The NDSC also offers a number of First Aid, CPR & AED courses for adults.