Become A Training Center Today!

When you are an NDSC training center, your in-house instructor(s) can train your own employees on one of the nation’s leading driver safety courses. Our eLearning Instructor Certification Course combines the core knowledge and principles of defensive driving with proven-effective facilitation methods. Candidate instructors learn the necessary skills to teach a successful driver safety program through interactive, scenario-based training.

After instructors successfully complete this program, you will be able to: 

  • Teach drivers with varying skill levels, attitudes and behaviors
  • Understand how to identify each driver’s strengths and weaknesses
  • Provide personalized, practical solutions to problematic situations
  • Motivate people to be safer and more responsible drivers

Why Become A Training Center?

  • Cost Savings

    Earn potential savings on your WSI premium and driver training costs

  • Convenience

    Train your own employees at your convenience

  • Less Travel Expenses

    Eliminate travel planning and related expenses

  • More Time For Other items

    Your employees will experience less time away from work, allowing them more time for other duties.

How To Become A Training Center?

  • Contact Us

    Contact the NDSC to initiate your training center agreement.

  • Become an NDSC Member

    If you’re not already an NDSC member, complete the membership application here.

  • Register & Order Your Kit

    Work with the NDSC to register for an eLearning Instructor Certification Course and order your Instructor Kit.

Learn More About Becoming A Training Center!

Terry Weaver
Driver Safety Manager

dl: (701) 751-6106
ph: (701) 223-6372
tf: (800) 932-8890