Distracted Driving Materials

In North Dakota, about 100 people die in motor vehicle crashes per year. When you talk on your phone, you fail to see 50% of your surroundings. You can’t talk on the phone and read a book simultaneously because your mind can only process one task at a time. When you get behind the wheel, just drive! Keep your eyes on the road, hands on the wheel and most importantly, keep your mind focused on JUST driving.

Download Distracted Driving materials and promote driving distraction free!

Terry Weaver
Driver Safety Manager

dl: (701) 751-6106
ph: (701) 223-6372
tf: (800) 932-8890


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“I lost my only brother in a fatal car crash. It changed the dynamic of my family forever and made me an only child. If I could have my way, not another family would have to experience that type of loss.”

– Terry Weaver