
  • A person or vehicle is struck by a train roughly every three hours.
  • 95% of all rail-related deaths involve drivers trying to beat the train or people trespassing on railroad tracks.
  • More than 50% of people injured or killed while trespassing on railroad tracks had drugs or alcohol in their system.

Source: Operation Lifesaver

North Dakota:

  • There are 4,384 total crossings in North Dakota. 3,294 are public. The remaining 1,090 are private crossings. There is a total of 3,223 miles of railroad operated in the state.

Source: ND Department of Transportation


North Dakota highway-rail grade crossing and trespasser incidents

Source: https://data.transportation.gov/stories/s/Highway-Rail-Grade-Crossing-Incidents-Fatalities-a/bda5-32at/

*Thru June 2024