Entries by Lindsey Dockter


Put Sleep First. Drowsy Driving is Dangerous!

Less than 6 hours of sleep triples your risk of falling asleep while driving! Drowsy driving is just as dangerous as driving under the influence. Like alcohol, sleepiness can slow down your reaction time, decrease awareness of your surroundings, impair judgement, and increase your risk of crashing which could harm yourself and others.


Top 10 Workplace Safety Hazards Announced

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) announced the Top 10 most frequently cited workplace safety standards for fiscal year 2021. North Dakota’s top numbers differ slightly. Fall protection is number one but general machine guarding and protective systems for trenching and excavating follow that.


AEDs Save Lives!

AED usage combined with CPR saves lives. The survival rate of a patient defibrillated within the first 3 minutes of a cardiac arrest approaches 95%. AEDs are as essential as fire extinguishers.


Stay Safe With the Zipper Merge

Everyone knows the old joke about North Dakota’s two seasons, right? We’ve got winter and we’ve got road construction. When highway construction takes roadways down to one lane, the zipper merge can keep traffic moving while keeping you and road workers safe.