AED Checkups


Someone in the US has a heart attack every 40 seconds.


About 400 workplace deaths from cardiac arrest are reported to OSHA each year.


Each year in the US, 395,000 people suffer cardiac arrest.

AEDs are a potentially life-saving device, but they’re useless if the battery is dead.

About 400 workplace deaths from cardiac arrest are reported to OSHA each year. Like fire extinguishers and respirators, the effectiveness of an AED is determined by much more than simply having the device. A complete program that includes risk assessment, training, maintenance and recordkeeping must be in place. That’s where we come in!

The NDSC will visit your worksite to provide a free, comprehensive AED checkup that will determine if your plan encompasses all best practices necessary for a successful and life-saving AED program.

The checkup will take 30 to 60 minutes and will include:

  • an analysis of your employee training program
  • an AED location assessment
  • a care and supply audit
  • training on maintenance items such as installing batteries and replacing pads

Schedule your free AED checkup today!

Go beyond a charged battery – equip your employees to save lives.

Laurie Eckroth
Emergency Care Manager

dl: (701) 751-6118
ph: (701) 223-6372
tf: (800) 932-8890

First Aid in the workplace

NDSC offers a lineup of first aid classes for the workplace. Be prepared for any emergency!