Your Safety Is Our Top Priority During This Pandemic!
The North Dakota Safety Council submitted an Economic Resiliency Grant and received funds from the ND Department of Commerce to improve our operations for the purpose of reducing the spread of infection, and instilling consumer confidence in the marketplace.
Like all business across North Dakota, the NDSC was routinely busy in its daily operations. While we watched the rest of the country yield to COVID and it started to hit the Midwest, the NDSC began to plan for and implement its own safety plan. We evaluated our existing practices and made the difficult, yet necessary decision to reduce classes for the safety and health of our students and staff. However, it became necessary to create alternative processes to continue to meet the ongoing needs of essential businesses and workers.
Following the ND Smart Restart guidance, we have developed a master plan to accommodate the current students we serve, the staff we employ, and the transition to full training status, as allowed. In order to do so, we recognize spatial distancing, cleaning and masks may continue long-term to offer ongoing safeguards to students, NDSC staff and ultimately employers across the state. We pledge to keep the safety and well-being of our customers and employees our top priority.